вівторок, 6 квітня 2010 р.


I have just found out that more than two years have passed since I created this blog aiming to use it for training in writing, recording interesting ideas and figuring out the thoughts. As the blog is named 'thoughts in spare time', I have to choose today whether there have been no thoughts or no spare time for those two years ;).

In this very first message I would like to expose my thanks to everyone who visits this blog in future (and that would be really great if some of the things written here will be useful or help you bring some sunshine and goodness to your life). This blog does not aim to concern some particular idea or ideas; it would presumably contain my thoughts on different aspects of life. I have no intention of collecting dozens of readers; it is likely that the blog will never reach top 1000000 on Blogger. As a matter of fact, this one is just a scrap of paper lying on the cafe table.

...and do not say that I did not warn you! :)

1 коментар:

Unknown сказав...

Nice to meet you here, man. I expected you were writing in our local language, so the bigger surprise is.