вівторок, 15 березня 2011 р.


Not to exaggerate, I'd call it the first honest and kind (even despite of some cruel scenes) movie that I saw for several past years. Many thanks to Sr Alejandro González Iñárritu.

четвер, 25 листопада 2010 р.

It's not a problem to be ignorant here or there. It's a problem to be ignorant permanently.

середа, 17 листопада 2010 р.

Going out for a Picnic on Saturday?

Interestingly, in highly-populated areas, especially in the ones located close to the sea/ocean coast, there is a 22% higher chance of rain on Saturdays than on Mondays. The reason is pretty simple: heavy traffic and industrial pollution during the 5-day working week result in production of extra clouds and thus increase the likelihood of rain on Saturday.

I discovered this fact accidentally trying to find the information about the nature of "rain from clear skies" effect. I had never seen such an effect before, but observed it twice for the last few weeks here in Yorkshire. Unfortunately, I have found no relevant information about this amazing phenomenon on the Internet (similar effects are quite usual for the lowlands located near the mountains, but there are no high mountains around). The only idea that comes to my mind is that such rain could be caused by extremely high humidity level in the atmosphere, so atmospheric moisture condensates directly to water drops. Or maybe it's due to massive air flows and whirlwinds that take water from a sea and move it over the land. Will investigate it deeper when I have some time.

субота, 6 листопада 2010 р.

Religion is [supposed to be] here to care about kindness of our hearts and purity of our minds. Surprisingly, a number of religions prefer to promote themselves by erecting majestic castle-like temples, fulfilling an entirely materialistic approach... Love and respect should not be substituted by worship and spectacles; otherwise people's faith will be put close to political movements, superstitions and iReligion.

середа, 3 листопада 2010 р.

I wonder how many opportunities we lose by throwing away ideas or deeds that we consider unpromising. Sometimes these considerations are based on our complexes, sometimes on our experience, and I cannot say which reason is worse. In any case, while complexes are something that is a bit out of control of an average man, experience is more or less a cognitive substance. A man with huge experience is somewhat similar to an expert system; they maintain a knowledgebase of various statements along with a set of possible ways of their resolution. As a matter of fact, that feature of experience makes life simpler, as it allows to automate many aspects of life; instead of thinking over yet another use case, a man "contacts" his experience database and gets the known pattern for that use case.

What is bad, is that these specifics of our mind prevent us from doing irrational things. It is hard to run something unusual and exotic, as our experience raises both its hands up and shouts "No, buddy, this activity never used to be successful in the past, so what the hell are you expecting from it now? Stop and do something well-tried". As a trivial example, we will never go shopping on Sunday, as our experience tells us that the stores are all closed (and may miss some attractive Sunday offer). This doesn't look reasonable to me.

Our world does not encourage rational way of living; luck and randomness have a great effect on our life. People living in a rational way are doomed to flow together with the common stream, as the factor of randomness is rarely present in a rational life (of course, there are exceptions). As minds of different people are more or less similar to each other (of course, there are exceptions), one will not be able to outrun the crowd acting in the same way as the crowd. By acting irrationally, one brings some randomness and luck into his life (by exploiting the chances that are ignored by the others, rationally-acting people), increasing the probability of catching the faster train.

субота, 16 жовтня 2010 р.

First, someone invents something. Second, someone improves that something and makes it a real sweetie. Third, the idea is caught by the corporations. Fourth, the corporations push the inventor off the market and downgrade that something to yet another piece of pink, fragrant, fluffy and lousy shit.

субота, 9 жовтня 2010 р.


That love is all and love is everyone...